Don’t Make These Mistakes!

Deciding to propose is a big deal. If you’re thinking about popping the question, you want to make sure you do it with the right ring.

The good news is that there’s no shortage of styles to choose from. From vintage to modern, trendy, or classic, there’s something for everyone! The downside of this upside is that all that variety can make your decision a little intimidating. How do you know which ring is right?

Luckily, finding the perfect engagement ring for your soon-to-be fiancé doesn’t have to be complicated. Here are the most common mistakes people make when buying an engagement ring and how to avoid them.

Biggest Mistakes When Buying An Engagement Ring

Not Budgeting

Remember that old expression that an engagement ring should cost you at least three months’ salary? Well, let’s forget about that because the right engagement ring should always be one you can reasonably afford.

One of the biggest (and most painful) mistakes people make when shopping for an engagement ring is not establishing a budget beforehand. You don’t want to fall in love with a ring only to find out you have to mortgage your future to afford it. Don’t forget to consider ring insurance and other expenses that will follow. Remember, if they say yes, you’ll have a wedding and honeymoon to pay for too!

Not Doing Your Research

Unless you’re a professional, you probably don’t know everything about jewels, carats, color, and clarity. Sure, you can follow the advice of your jeweler, but going into the shopping experience blind means, you might overlook certain markers of quality.

Do some research about engagement rings and the jewelers you plan to visit. Read reviews, learn about the customer service they offer, and embark on your ring hunt armed with all the information you need to make an educated purchase.

Not Taking Your Time

Buying an engagement ring isn’t something you do in a single afternoon. It’s not like running an errand or stopping on your way home to pick up a loaf of bread. Don’t expect to find something on your first outing or restrict yourself to one store or mall. Take your time and make multiple trips until you find the perfect ring for your partner.

While you shouldn’t rush your engagement ring purchase, you shouldn’t start shopping for an engagement ring until you’re ready to buy. The market moves very quickly. Prices fluctuate, gem supply changes, and the perfect ring you found two months ago might not be there when you come back for it. Start shopping when you’re ready to pull the trigger, so you don’t risk missing out or overpaying for the perfect ring.

Not Discussing Rings With Your Partner

Your partner will wear their engagement ring every day for the rest of their lives – hopefully! It should suit their personal taste. While you don’t have to spoil the surprise, having a conversation to understand what type of ring they envision for themselves is vital to making the right choice.

Having this conversation far enough in advance of your planned proposal is helpful to understand their preferences – and not give away the surprise. They may already know what they’d like their future engagement ring to look like. This will help you narrow your search and ensures they love the ring you propose with.

Another method that has grown in popularity in recent years is to propose with a temporary setting. This allows you to select an engagement ring together after the proposal.

Not Considering Ring Size

While an engagement ring can be resized, there are only so many times you can manipulate gold or precious metals before compromising their integrity. Better save it for later down the road if you can!

Referencing rings your partner already wears or measuring their finger beforehand gives you a better chance of getting the size right the first time. Everyone’s fingers are different, so don’t skip this step!

Not Working With A Jeweler

Online shopping may be convenient, but we wouldn’t recommend purchasing an engagement ring you’ve never seen in person. Remember that pictures don’t always tell the whole story! While searching online can be helpful for familiarizing yourself with styles and researching, always verify the ring you’re buying in real life.

Shopping exclusively at big-box stores can pose another problem. While the selection will undoubtedly be bigger than a small boutique, the level of customization and customer service tends to decrease. A boutique jeweler can help you find the perfect ring and customize your piece for an ultimate one-of-a-kind look.

Working with a jeweler allows you to create a custom engagement ring that’s truly special and symbolic of your love. Purchasing an engagement ring from a boutique jeweler provides a more personal degree of care and customer service. Besides, this way, you have somewhere to go if your ring ever needs repairs or maintenance

An engagement ring is one of the biggest purchases you’ll make. It’s a symbol of your love, a promise of your commitment, and a reflection of your partner’s personal style. Take your time, do your research, and get them an engagement ring they’ll love forever.